Simple & Easy Law Info

Simple & Easy Law Info

Female Workers

Use of Leave Before and After Childbirth

Q. Can I divide my maternity leave to use it multiple times?

A. If a pregnant worker has certain reasons, she can divide her maternity leave into multiple periods at any time before childbirth.

Reasons for Partial Use of Maternity Leave 1. The pregnant worker has a history of miscarriage or  stillbirth 2. The pregnant worker is 40 years or older at the time of requesting maternity leave before and after childbirth  3. The pregnant worker submits a medical certificate  stating that there is a risk of miscarriage or stillbirth

Period of Maternity Leave. Pregnant with one child : 90 days (at least 45 days  after childbirth) , Pregnant with two or  more children : 120 days (at least 60 days  after childbirth)

For detailed legal information, please refer to  『Female Workers』 in


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