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Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment Benefits Easy to Find, Practical Law Logo


Q. How do I receive unemployment benefits?


Recipients: Unemployment benefits are paid through certain procedures if a worker, artist, or labor provider 
who is deemed to have subscribed to employment insurance is involuntarily unemployed. 
· Employment insurance coverage period of 180 days or longer.
· A person not being able to find a job despite the willingness and ability to work.


Application/Payment for Unemployment Benefits
① Report your unemployment
How: Apply for a job through the Worknet website
( to report your unemployment.


Application/Payment for Unemployment Benefits
② Apply for recognition of eligibility for receipt
Description: Application for recognition of the fact that the applicant meets the requirements for receiving unemployment benefits
How: Submit the application for recognition of eligibility for the receipt to the local employment center of your residence
※ The application can be submitted to another region’s employment center in certain cases prescribed by the law.


Application/Payment for Unemployment Benefits
③ Determination of eligibility recognition
If the applicant for recognition of eligibility meets all of the following requirements, the recognition of the eligibility to receive is determined based on the applicant’s last job (exception may be applied.)
· The applicant has a history of changing jobs as an insured before being employed as an insured by the last employer.
· The applicant should have no history of receiving unemployment benefits in connection with changing jobs before the last employment.


Application/Payment for Unemployment Benefits
④ Payment of unemployment benefits
Payment: Unemployment benefits are paid for the days when the eligible recipient has been unemployed and recognized by the head of the employment center.


For detailed legal information, please refer to 『Unemployment Benefits』 in

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